Friday, June 29, 2012

The Sims 3 Seasons

Hello People, Seasons is Confirmed and coming out November 6th 2012.
As we found in The Sims GAME RUMORS LIST IN WIKIA, here it is : 

After being confirmed as a fake on late-2011, more rumors popped up on April 2012 after seeing a new category being added to The Sims 3 Store. The category 'Rain' was added to a item out of the Seeing Stars set on the store, which can be seen here. As well as this, SimGuruMeatBall on Twitter tweeted two unusual, hinting tweets that may lead up to the rumored expansion pack.
On June 18th 2012, SimsVIP listed an article citing back to[4]It had discovered listings on a Hungarian Retailer Uberkonzol for the pack. Not only is there a normal edition, but there is also a limited edition and a base and pack combo pack slated for November 9th 2012 for Europe (the possible North America release is on November 6th 2012). All of these listings were removed from the site.
Meanwhile on June 21th 2012, Les Sims Wiki found a listing for the pack in Amazon France.[5] The listing was removed soon after. Le Mag then posted about an EA conference held a week before the post announcing this year end’s newest titles. The Sims 3: Seasons is mentioned on the post.[6] Finally, a user from SimsVIP found another French listing from Jeux Video for the same pack.[7]On June 22th 2012, Rincon Del Simmer found listings from two different Hungarian gaming shop websites.[8]Konzolvilá[9] has three listings of the pack (in three different editions) while[10] has only one (the combo pack edition).[11] It is unknown however if all the listings were removed.
The release dates differ from different sources. So far, only three release dates were shown, all on the same month of November: 9th (from Uberkonzol), 15th (from Jeux Video) and 16th (from Le Mag, Konzolvilág and GameShop) 2012. 

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